Our partners

We work with a strong network of suppliers, vendors and producers. Two of them are myCleanroom.de and Schweizer Rohr AG.
There for you together: IAB’s specialised cleanroom portfolio meets the service expertise of mycleanroom.de.
The result of the cooperation: doubled know-how and the highest possible quality in all aspects of the pharmaceutical, semiconductor and automotive industries.
Customers benefit from the holistic solution competence of the established cleanroom specialists IAB and mycleanroom.de for every requirement. Clean idea!
With six locations in all parts of Switzerland and headquarters in Hausen in the canton of Aargau, Rohr AG is the largest specialist cleaning company for cleanrooms.
Together we offer a comprehensive range of cleanroom products from leading manufacturers. Customers include the pharmaceutical, semiconductor and optical industries as well as the medical technology sector, laboratories, clinics and pharmacies.
We can also respond individually and flexibly to companies with special requirements. We take up customer feedback directly and jointly drive the development of innovative products.
Rohr AG

„Ready for a new partnership? Feel free to contact us online via the contact form or by phone. Here’s to good cooperation!“
– Karoline Matzi, CEO IAB