Your career at IAB

Personal responsibility, development potential and structured onboarding await you - so that you arrive in good shape. Fair salaries and a family-friendly working environment are a matter of course.


Every new job starts with the first step: your application. Your career path will lead you to a familiar working environment where you can develop your personal strengths and benefit from the skills of a strong team. Your career goal: the IAB.

The application process

Use our website to apply for vacancies, apprenticeships or to send us an unsolicited application. The documents required vary from job to job. However, a curriculum vitae (CV) and a short letter of motivation are generally required. You are welcome to communicate your LinkedIn or Xing profile in the application form, if available.

We will get back to you within 14 days, even if your application is not successful or the process is delayed.

The application process with us consists of a pre-selection, a first round of interviews and up to two further rounds. The last round of interviews involves a more extensive tour. In this way, we want to ensure that there is a good interpersonal and professional fit and that the applicants are given a comprehensive first impression of the working environment at IAB.

The onboarding

You will not experience the famous jump into cold water at IAB. We make sure that you are well prepared for your tasks - especially if you are new to the company.

For you, our new employees, an induction plan is drawn up long before your first day at work. In it, we determine who will take care of you and what you need to know yourself. You will get to know your workplace, your colleagues and your tasks. And you will, of course, receive everything you need for your work.

You qualify yourself individually in our company - according to your personal possibilities and the current requirements. Contribute to your qualification on your own responsibility and take advantage of further training opportunities. You will receive regular feedback on your development status and can also give feedback to others. At the end of your probationary period, there will be a final interview.

IAB is an internationally successful company. Nevertheless, we remain a family business at heart. Nowhere is this more evident than in the working atmosphere.

We consciously cultivate this special corporate culture - and it is also one of the reasons why we are a „Top Company“ at Kununu.

„We rely on collegial cooperation and an open culture of discussion - even during the probationary period. Your feedback is important to us so that we benefit from both sides and you can optimally contribute your strengths to our team right from the start. Path to success by IAB.“

On the Job

You always stay up to date on current developments in the company, successes and strategies. This makes it easy for you to understand decisions. Because an open information culture is very important to us! Benefit from flat hierarchies and short lines of communication. Our management always has an open ear for you.

Fun at work and a strong sense of community are the best motivation. We strengthen cohesion at IAB through joint activities such as barbecue evenings, mulled wine roundtables and Christmas parties.

You want to reconcile work and family life? Wonderful! Because with us you will find the best conditions for this. You benefit from a flexitime scheme for employees with families and can work on a mobile or part-time basis in suitable areas.

The health of our employees is particularly important to us at IAB. That is why we motivate you to take care of your body and support numerous initiatives and programmes around the topic of health.

You want to enjoy going to work every day? Then come to IAB! With us you will find a family environment with flat hierarchies. The „trappings“ are also right, because the sense of community is an important part of our corporate culture. Find out here what makes working at IAB so special.

We are a fast-growing company in a fairly crisis-proof industry. And we want to continue to grow - ideally together with you!

„At IAB, your career becomes a success story! So apply now and become part of a team that is revolutionising the market with its innovative cleanroom products!“

– Karoline Matzi, CEO IAB

About us

More than 40 years of experience and excellence in cleanrooms: discover our high-quality and efficient and efficient product worlds and services and learn more about us.